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Voter Services

The League of Women Voters is committed to ensuring all citizens have access to factual information regarding how to register to vote, education on policies, and information about elections.    

Scan this QR code

to register to vote!


click on the link below to

be directed to the Jo Daviess County Clerk


contact the LWV today and a voting registrar will respond

Illinois Voter Registration Check QR Cod
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Be a part of the
"Welcome to 18"
Birthday Project

Beginning fall 2019, all local high school students received a present from the LWV on their 18th birthday.  This present included a happy birthday message, info on how to register to vote, facts on why voting is important, QR code to access the Illinois Voter Guide, info on the LWV, and a small item (currently a LWV of Jo Daviess County pencil).  

Thank you to the East Dubuque, Galena, River Ridge, Scales Mound, Stockton, Warren, and West Carroll school districts for partnering with us on this important project.  

*The LWV of Jo Daviess County is gratefully accepting donations to keep this project going.  Contact us today to learn how to donate.  

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