About Our Chapter


2020 Annual Meeting Program
The State of Mental Health in JDC Panel Discussion
Our Positions
The League supports legislation, funding, and administration of a wide range of prevention and early intervention mental health services in order to meet the needs of the residents of Jo Daviess County. These services should be provided by qualified personnel working for private and governmental agencies and organizations, as well as individual health care providers. The League supports the use of all possible funding sources, but favors a strong base of continuous local funding
The League supports the principles of sound land use planning and zoning to guide growth management in Jo Daviess County. A zoning ordinance should make adequate provision for open space and buffer zones to preserve rural character of the county, and for the removal of abandoned and non-conforming signs. Group homes should be permitted in residential districts. The League supports the hiring of a full time professional zoning administrator who meets high and clearly defined qualifications.
The League supports a wide range of measures to control potential sources of groundwater contamination in Jo Daviess County. Both existing and future county and city ordinances which influence groundwater quality should be consistently enforced. The League supports efforts to educate residents of Jo Daviess County about groundwater contamination and methods to reduce potential sources of contamination. The League opposes local control of landfill operations.
Our Projects
Watershed Programs
Increasing Voter Turn Out
Abolish the
Electoral College

The LWV of Jo Daviess County has done extensive research regarding local water quality.
Beginning Fall of 2019, the LWV of Jo Daviess County partnered with local schools to present "Welcome to 18" gifts to students turning 18. These gifts encourage them to vote and include voting resources. See more details under the Voter Services tab.
An official platform of the National League since the 1970s, our local League is committed to this platform.
During the summer of 2019, North Central College senior Padgham Larson completed an Internship under the mentor-ship of Beth Baranski. Padgham created a 4 unit set of lessons plans dedicated to water stewardship. These lessons are being used in the Galena Middle School science classes.
She is currently developing a children's book.

Internship Update
